#otwieraMy (we open)

“We stood against the wall”

I have the right to a normal life and I intend to live a normal life and work.
In the current legal state, prohibiting an entrepreneur from operating is inconsistent with the constitution.

If the Government wants to shut down, they should do it properly, in accordance with the law, and pay compensation.

According to the government’s announcement at the beginning of November, Poland would be in the yellow zone after just a month. The hotel industry would be open as in other European countries (https://www.money.pl/gospodarka/hotele-w-potrzasku-na-tej-mapie-nie-jestesmy-zielona-wyspa-6598500950096864a.html).

Out of all the money they promised us, I got zero. On accounts — zero.
I want to earn and let my employees earn…

I’m joining #otwieraMy (we open) today on 17/01/2021.

Of course, with full sanitary rigour 🙂

And for our guests:

In the new year 2021, knowing that it will be better, we invite you.
Here where iodine is abundant and where peace is produced… and happiness.
To be happy and not to postpone life.